aTurnos mobile app

aTurnos app offers a simple environment and user-friendly with useful features for both the employee and the administrator

New aTurnos’ APP

Available in different environments

aTurnos mobile App is available in Google Play, App Store and also in Progressive Web App, which you can have access and downloading it is not required. The difference between the Progressive app and the native app (the downloadable), is that the first one does not include notifications


Employee functions

Some movements that employees can perform in the aTurnos app are:

  • Register your arrivals and exits, checking your hours worked in comparison to the hours scheduled, and make requests for forgotten check-ins/outs (in the Time control feature)
  • Make leaves and holidays requests (to your administrator)
  • Ask for shift swaps to other colleagues
  • Check your Schedule
  • Checkstatistics such as holidays balance or the quantity of shifts worked
  • See and send messages in the team’s chat/bulletin board
  • Upload and download documents (in the Documents feature)
  • Start and finish tasks (in the Tasks feature)

Administrator’s Functions

Administrators can perform the following actions in the app

  • Create shift types and insert them in the schedule to the respective employees
  • Create and Insert absenteeism types (for example, move leave, personal leave, etc.)
  • Manage your employees’ requests (This include all possible requests: holidays, permissions, shift swaps between colleagues, and even request for forgotten check-ins/out)
  • Check statistics such as holidays balance or the quantity of shifts worked
  • See and send messages in the team’s chat/bulletin board
  • Upload and download documents (in the Documents feature)
  • Allocate tasks to the employees (in the Tasks feature)